Step-by-Step Guide to create a new flutter project using Visual Studio Code [VS Code]

  • Install latest stable version of VS Code
  • Install the Flutter and Dart plugins

    • In VS Code “Extensions” Tab, search field type flutter, select “Flutter” in the list and click “Install”.
    • Flutter plugin also installs the required Dart plugin.

Validate your flutter setup using “flutter doctor command”.

Once Flutter SDK and your VS Code Editor is up and running,

Flutter Visual Studio Code
Flutter Visual Studio Code

To Create a new flutter project from the flutter starter app template follow the below steps

step 1 : Open Command Palette

Use Shortcut key - Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS


Go to View Menu, select “Command Palette”

VS Code Command Palette
VS Code Command Palette

step 2 : Create Flutter New Project

Select the “Flutter : New Project” Command from the list and press Enter

Flutter New Project
Flutter New Project

step 3 : Enter your project name

Flutter Project Name
Flutter Project Name

For this demo, App Name : flutter_test_app

Flutter Test App
Flutter Test App

step 4 : Select the desired project location

Flutter Project Location
Flutter Project Location

step 5 : Your flutter project is ready !

Wait for a few seconds and let flutter create the required files and folders in your project location.

Flutter Create Command
Flutter Create Command

Once, the project setup is complete, VS Code will notify you that your flutter project is ready.

Flutter Project Ready
Flutter Project Ready
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