Step-by-Step Guide to create a new flutter project and run flutter project using Terminal

  • Validate your flutter setup using “flutter doctor command”.

Once flutter sdk and your terminal is up and running, To Create a new flutter project from the flutter starter app template follow the below steps

step 1 : Navigate to your project location using “cd” command in your terminal window

CD Project Folder
CD Project Folder

step 2 : To create a new flutter project in your project location, use “flutter create” command

Syntax : flutter create <app name>

flutter create command
flutter create command

Wait for a couple of seconds and let flutter create the required files and folders in your project location.

Flutter App Created
Flutter App Created

Your flutter project is ready ! Edit your flutter code using your favorite code editor.

  • To run your flutter app - navigate to your project directory using “cd” command
CD Flutter App Directory
CD Flutter App Directory
  • Use command “flutter run” to run your app.
flutter run command - no device
flutter run command - no device

If you get an output : No supported devices connected.

  • To check the list of connected devices run command : flutter devices
flutter devices command - no device
flutter devices command - no device

To run the flutter app or project you must have either a physical device or emulator connected.

Now, let us understand how to run the emulator device using terminal.

step 3 : Run Android Emulator using Terminal Command

Run command : flutter emulators - to get the list of emulators

flutter emulators command
flutter emulators command

Note your emulator id - In this demo, our emulator id is “Pixel API 28 “

step 4 : Launch your emulator using Terminal Command

Run command : flutter emulators –launch <emulator id>

flutter emulator launch command
flutter emulator launch command

Once the Emulator device is up and running,

Once again, Run command : flutter devices

flutter devices command
flutter devices command

It should show you number of connected devices

step 5 : Run Flutter Project using Terminal Command

Once you have one or more connected devices, we can now run the flutter app or project on the connected devices.

Run command : flutter run - to run your project

flutter run command
flutter run command

Note : if you have more than one device use command - flutter run -d <device id>

Your flutter app is now running successfully on your connected devices.

Flutter Demo App
Flutter Demo App

Bonus Tip : Hot Reload and Hot Restart

Flutter Hot Reload : Type r in the terminal windows once you have edited your code to update your app UI instantly.

Flutter Hot Reload
Flutter Hot Reload

Flutter Hot Restart : Type R (shift + r) in the terminal window to restart your app.

Flutter Hot Restart
Flutter Hot Restart
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